Board News 2010-2011

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In the past few months the board said farewell to Caron Newman and Judy LaBuda as work commitments overwhelmed them. Thanks for the thoughtful guidance from both of you! Welcome to our two new members, Jenna Shaw and Rick Dyson.

The three program directors, Barb Kish, David Schadle, and John Humbrecht, have agreed to continue with their leadership roles and are well into the training and preparation for the season. John completed a major addition to our computerization of the operations – students are now applying for and scheduling their lessons from the web site! After much dedicated service, Linda Vias has had to step down from the scheduler role this year. Jacque Carbone will be our scheduler, however she is unable to match Linda’s baking skills.

After much thought and debate, the board has raised the lesson fees for this season. This decision was not reached lightly. Although Eldora Mountain continues to be our most generous supporter, the lesson fees are necessary for covering our mortgage, insurance, and operation costs. Increasing the revenues will allow us to provide continuity in our program and build to the future. However, we are aware that our students can not all absorb this rising cost. To that end we have committed to expanding our scholarship program as needed.

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