Looking Back… The 2017 Ignite Tonight Gala

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Light Up a Life

by Carol Nickell

After our 2016 Gala—and its success – I asked our committee if they wanted to do it again. They answered with a resounding YES

Jana Ward and Bill Goldstein were the co-chair that year… and as the committee worked on planning the 2nd Annual Gala, it was apparent that “Light Up A Life” was going to be another huge success. At this Gala we honored David Levin, long time Ignite Volunteer and Board Chair. As the photos show, everyone had a great time. We raised more than $80,000 towards our permanent home and transportation for our Veterans.  

The building permit for our permanent home was submitted in the Summer of 2020, with plans of breaking ground in the Summer of 2021. Thanks to the purchase of a used van with a wheelchair lift, with money we raised from this Gala, we had a 200% increase in the number of Veterans we are able to serve each season. We went from 20 Veterans to over 60 in one season. Can I just say… Ignite has the best volunteers and amazing donors in the Universe!

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