Building Update – Ignite is Moving Mountains

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Happy Summer!   

As you know by now, Ignite and Eldora have a VERY long-term agreement that includes a new World Headquarters (WHQ) for Ignite. The approximately 10,000 square foot building will house Ignite and a bank of restrooms on the first floor. Eldora’s children’s program, along with food service, will be located on the second floor.   

A few things our new home will provide: 

  • Most importantly, a permanent building to house Ignite operations
  • Along with permanence comes program stability and an even deeper commitment to the disabled community
  • Expanded space for students, volunteers and equipment
  • Improved access to the most commonly used ski lifts

I am proud to announce that on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 we took another giant step forward. We submitted our building permit and it was accepted for review by the Boulder County Building Department.   

What does this mean? The review process can take 12 weeks or more (who knows with the current pandemic underway). At the end of the review process, we will be notified if the permit is issued (or not), opening the way to breaking ground in the summer of 2021! Keep your fingers crossed! 

I would be remiss if I did not thank David Levin for his vision and commitment to Ignite; the Ignite Board of Directors, for their willingness to make the commitment to take the risk to raise the needed funds; the Gala committee, for their diligent work helping raise the necessary funds; Eldora, for their unwavering commitment to Ignite and our mission; and to Harris, Vince, Tom S, Eric, Hans, Carol and many others, for getting us to this milestone. Of course, a special thanks to all of our volunteers, students, and donors who make Ignite — well, Ignite!   

Thank you all for making sure Ignite achieves our mission! 

You can follow the progress of the Moving Mountains Campaign and Building on our website:   

As our evenings begin to ever so slightly cool off… I am thinking of Autumn and the snow to follow! I hope to see you on the Mountain.

Ignite Board President 

Volunteers – the Heart of Ignite; 
Students-the Soul of Ignite; 
and Donors – the Play of Ignite

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